Cub-Size now available in stores!

Lion Cub's Community

Our way of giving back to the beloved communities in the Columbus area!!

Our Mission

We strive to create lasting connections with the people in our communities and to give back to those who made this all possible.

our community partner
girl scouts of ohios heartland
grandview heights schools

All About Community

(Just Like We're All About Cookies)

From our humble beginnings; dating back to early 2020 when it was just four of us operating out of a small shared industrial kitchen space on the east side of Downtown Columbus, Ohio, we’ve always believed in the importance of helping the communities we’re a part of…we are more than just a company that makes the best cookies! 

A few of the things we’ve been doing since our inception include: promoting other local restaurants on our social media pages we provide our whole team lunch every Saturday; driving around town every week dropping off free cookies all over the place: schools, hospitals, nursing homes, you name it we’ve probably been there or will be there in the future spreading the joy, and various fundraisers with local organizations/charities with amazing missions! 

Lion Cub’s Community is a program in which we partner with a different organization every quarter, which makes sure we can diversify and expand our help as much as possible!  The first Wednesday of each month in that quarter, we donate a portion of our sales to our community partner!  This program with our core value of creating connections with our communities and hope to watch this program expand as we grow!  

If you are a part of an organization in the Columbus area you think would be a great fit, please fill out the form below. 

Thank you for your continued support, we don’t take it for granted! 🥰 

Community Partner Inquiry

Please fill out and submit the below form if you’d like to inquire about becoming one of our Community Partners!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become one of your community partners?

Fill out the form below and hit ‘Send Inquiry’.  Please include as much information as possible regarding the organization you represent as that helps us immensely in understanding your organization’s mission and purpose!


We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner!

What do you look for in a community partner?

There is no single thing we look for in a community partner, there as so many amazing organizations with amazing causes out there!


It is a very hard decision for us at times choosing the right partners, it’s a decision we take very seriously.  At the same time, it is a lot of fun for us, we love hearing about all the amazing organizations out there and there’s nothing better than making the call letting someone know we’d like to help them out!


We thank you for understanding that we are doing all we can and will always try to expand our ability to impact the community positively! 😁

Located at:
1261 Grandview Ave,
Grandview OH 43212
Select Store
Located at:
7105 North High Street,
Worthington, OH 43085
Select Store